Sound and the Aural vibration

Music in the form of traditional formats has never been a favorite invention for me.

Sound in the form of engagement with the pleasures and dissonances for our ears is a direction I am taking with my improvisations. The length of the pieces are determined by how sounds evolve and lead into suggesting directions they can take, the chance to take pathways are always an exciting adventure into the aural forest.

Take time to listen to these pieces, they may jar at times but there is always a rationality and resolution to them all, or most.

Caveat: I am not a classically trained pianist/performer so all my improvisations exist for the one time only, repetition is an impossibility as emotional direction is always forever changing my approach to any sound created.

I have much work up on and you are welcome to take a dip into the collection. All tracks are free of charge. All tracks vary from each other.

I’d appreciate some positive feedback in the comments under each track.

Thank you.